বিস্তারিত বিবরন
CC: 155 CC
ODO: 23,000+ running
Tax Token: Updated to 2026
Mobil Used: Shell Advance Premium, 10W-40 Ultra, Full Synthetic
Engine Condition: Engine was never opened and no work was ever done to engine.
Mileage: Great mileage and well-maintained.
Maintenance and Servicing: Every 2,000 to 3,000 Bike Servicing was done at Spanner.
Tires: Stock
Silencer Guard
Accident History: No Major accident history.
Registration: Dhaka Metro LA 61-xxxx, Mirpur BRTA
Reason for sale: Going abroad to study in few months. Want to transfer this to a good owner.
? Location: Dhaka, Mohammadpur.
**Condition: Need to Name Transfer as soon as possible before handing the motorcycle. Cost of Name transfer will be bared by the buyer.